Manage Customer Segments

Transform your 'list' into a reusable and portable resource across various tools. You can organize your segments just like files in folders, enhancing accessibility and efficiency.

Mange Your Segments Like Files in Folders.

Transform segments from mere 'queries' on CDP into trackable, performance-based metrics.
Handle your 'segments' as portable objects for intuitive management.
Categorize them by purpose and effortlessly synchronize with your marketing tools.


  • Manage segments by RFM status, initial purchase product and marketing channel

  • Compare metrics across segments, including Customer count, repeat customer %, Average Lifetime value AOV, Average Purchase Count, Average Purchase Interval

  • We diligently monitor your segments and record metrics on a daily basis. Review metric history on a daily basis for deeper insights.

Sync with Any Tools Using Shopify’s Customer Tag

Simply select a segment, type in the tag name, and click 'execute'—it's that easy!
Segments in ECPower are automatically synced with assigned Shopify Customer Tag. You can find it on every tool connected with Shopify.

Use Case

  • Implement ECPower's behavior segments in email, SMS, or WhatsApp marketing campaigns.

  • Integrate ECPower’s behavior segments with CRM or CDP platforms linked to Shopify.

  • Utilize ECPower’s behavior segments in Business Intelligence tools connected to Shopify.


Start Today.
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Testimonials bakery Image
ECPower has supercharged our customer management cycle

Bakery Store Merchant

It helps us create unique customer groups and track their lifetime value, focusing on their purchases and behaviors. This tool also enhances our marketing strategies, allowing for more effective planning and action.

ECPower has significantly streamlined our customer relationship and marketing efforts

Cosmetics Store Merchant

Previously, promotions required extensive manual data gathering and list creation. Now, ECPower enables us to quickly form customer groups, launch promotions, and assess their success with ease. It has eliminated the heavy lifting of data collection, saving us time and accelerating our PDCA cycle with its result visualization feature.

Targeted Marketing Has Boosted Customer Engagement and Doubled Conversion Rates.

Gift Store Merchant

Previously, our mass emails were generic, but now we create specific customer groups for more personalized and effective engagement. This not only boosts repeat business but also makes strategizing with customer profiles more enjoyable.

I am Shopify partner working for merchants. How can I collaborate with ECPower?
I use email marketing tool. Why should I use ECPower?

If you want to track the growth of segments with data, or manage the customer journey, there are benefits to managing customer segments with ECPower. Read more