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Data definition

Last Update:
May 9, 2024

Customer Segment

Metric Name Definition
Customers The number of customers who have placed an order at least once.
Repeat Customer Rate The proportion of repeat customers (those who have purchased a total of 2 or more times)
Lifetime Value The average CLV over all customers and all periods
Order Value The average value of purchase price per customer
Order Count The average value of total number of purchase per customer
Purchase Interval The average number of days between purchases per customer

Customer Detail

Metric Definition
Total Order Count The total number of purchases by the customer over the entire period
Total Order Value The total purchase amount by the customer over the entire period
First Purchase Date The date the customer made their first purchase
Last Purchase Date The date the customer last made a purchase at the store

Data Name Definition
Order Name The order number displayed on Shopify
Order At The date and time the order was completed.
Order Value The total amount of the order. This includes shipping fees and taxes.
Products The registered name (title) of the ordered product in Shopify.
Order Tags Tags associated with the order at the time of purchase.

Revenue Tracking

Metric Definition
Customers The latest number of customer in the customer segment targeted for tracking
Revenue Revenue from purchases of the target customer segment during the measurement period
Total Order Count The number of purchases from the target customer segments during the measurement period
Purchase Rate Purchase ratio during the measurement period (number of purchases / number of customers)


Cohorts vs Months

Label Definition
First Purchase Month For example, for "2021-12", this refers to "Customers who made their first purchase in December 2021”
First Purchase Aggregation for the first purchase (only for Lifetime Value)
Mn Months from first purchase (Shown as M0, M1, ..., Mn). For example, if the first purchase month is 2021-12, M0 refers to within 30 days from purchase, and M1 refers to within 60 days from purchase.
Over all time The result of aggregating the selected entire period

Metric Definition
Lifetime Value For example, for "2021-12 × M3", if you assume that there were 100 customers who made their first purchase in December 2021, and by the end of March 2022 (3 months later), they had purchased a total of $1,000, the 3 months-Lifetime Value would be calculated as $1,000 ÷ 100 people = $10.
CVR to 2nd Purchase The percentage of customers who made their first purchase in the “first purchase month” and made a second purchase at Mn point. Example: If 100 customers made their first purchase in April 2022, and 10 of them made a second purchase within 1 months (within 30 days), the CVR to 2nd would be 10.0% for M0.
CVR to 3rd Purchase The percentage of customers who made their first purchase in the “first purchase month” and made a third purchase at Mn point. Example: If 100 customers made their first purchase in April 2022, and 5 of them made a third purchase within 2 months (within 60 days), the CVR to 3rd would be 5.0% at M1.
CVR to 4th Purchase The percentage of customers who made their first purchase in the “first purchase month” and made a fourth purchase at Mn point.
CVR to 5th Purchase The percentage of customers who made their first purchase in the “first purchase month” and made a fifth purchase at Mn point.

Cohorts vs Nth

Metric Definition
First Purchase Month For example, for "2021-12", this refers to "Customers who made their first purchase in December 2021”
Fn Nth of purchase (Shown as F1, F2, ..., Fn) of each customer.
Over all time The result of aggregating the selected entire period

Metric Definition
Customers Number of Customers at Fn or more. For example, “Customers = 100 at F2” refers that 100 customers in the cohort placed more than two orders.
Avg Order Value Average order value at Fn purchase. For example, “Avg Order Value = $100 at F3” refers that customers in the cohort spent $100 at their 3rd purchase on average.
Retention Rate Retention rate from Fn-1 to Fn.
Purchase Interval Average days between purchases from Fn-1 to Fn.

ECPower Product Manager

Edited and supervised by Product Manager of ECPower - Shopify Customer Segment & Journey Management, supporting Shopify merchants' CLV growth, CRM strategy and data analytics.

Change log

Jul 13 2023 Article Published

Jan 1 2024 Updated